Police in Kenya are holding a suspect who killed his brother by hacking him several times over alleged family land disputes.

The 35 year-old man identified as Charles Tanui is said to have slashed his elder brother seven times on the head, neck and wrists using a panga in the gruesome Monday evening murder incident which happened at their home.

Konoin sub county police commander Alex Shikondi told the press that the suspect was in the tea farm plucking tea when the deceased, a 55 year-old, who was in the company of their father arrived before he
committed the heinous act.

Shikondi explained that from the information they gathered from the father, the deceased questioned the suspect why he was plucking tea from his portion of the land without his authority when he drew a panga he had stashed on his waist and started butchering him.

“We got the report from their father who is a witness in this case…the two may have longstanding family differences over land and that is what occasioned the incident,” said Shikondi.

The happening forced the father to scamper for safety and raise an alarm which attracted the locals who came and rescued the man who was bleeding profusely and rushed him to a nearby health center.

He was later transferred to a local Mission hospital where he succumbed to the injuries.

The police boss stated that detectives visited the scene where they recovered blood-stained rusty panga and a yellow hooded top which was also blood-stained left by the suspect who later surrendered himself to the police.

Physical examination at the morgue, he noted, showed

that the deceased had four deep cuts on the head, one the neck and on both of his wrists.

The incident comes barely a week after a similar one at Sigor in Chepalungu where a man also killed his brother over same family differences.

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