In a quest to deal with Gender based violence, World Relief Malawi in conjunction with Ujama pamodzi Africa has trained 120 boys and girls from Lilongwe, Machinga and Mangochi as instructors that will help sensitize the masses on the vice.

Speaking during the graduation ceremony held at Malosa in Zomba district, the country director for World Relief Malawi Matilda Matitha said the training was aimed at equipping the instructors with defective mechanism which they will impart to young girls in their respective areas to protect themselves when they face gender based violence.

Matitha said world Relief Malawi in collaboration  with  other organizations with funding  from USAID under Scoop project identifies gender based violence as one of  the challenges which is  fueling the spread of HIV/AIDS hence the decision  to train instructors of gender based violence in order to deal  with the vice in the country.

Matitha encouraged the graduates to be committed by working tirelessly and impart the skills which they have learned to girls and boys in the communities in order to end gender based violence in their respectively areas.

Commenting on the same Minister of gender, social welfare and community development Patricia Kaliati who presided over the graduation ceremony applauded the World Relief Malawi and other organization for helping government efforts of dealing with gender based violence in the country.

Kaliati said the training has come at a right time when the issues of rape and defilement are rampart in the country and she asked the world relief Malawi to go beyond In order to reach more people.

Since August last year the country has registered 44 teenage pregnancies and 13,000 early marriages.

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