Reactions have trailed the decision by students of Oxford’s Magdalen college in the UK to take down a painting of Queen Elizabeth from their common room stating that she “represents colonialism.”

Members of the students committee concluded that the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II will now be replaced by “art by or of other influential and inspirational people.”

UK government, Piers Morgan react after Oxford students vote to remove Queen Elizabeth

During the vote to remove the picture one student commented that “patriotism and colonialism are not really separable” .

While another added that the picture of the queen must be ditched because “This is about our communal space and making people feel welcome”, according to Guido Fawkes.

And in the future if any pictures of the Queen or the Royal family are to be hung in the common it must be decided by a vote.

According to the committee’s minutes, one opponent in the vote said: “In an era where debates on no-platforming and cancel culture rage strong, effectively ‘cancelling’ the Queen and brandishing her as a symbol of colonialism – so often used as a synonym for racism – sends a dire message that is sure to enrage.

Now Gavin Williamson, Secretary of State for Education of the United Kingdom has slammed the ‘woke’ Oxford students saying they don’t know what the Queen represents .

Williamson said: “Oxford University students removing a picture of the Queen is simply absurd.

“She is the Head of State and a symbol of what is best about the United Kingdom.

“She has worked to promote British values of tolerance, inclusivity & respect”

“Moreover, it is culturally insensitive for a common room so heavily comprised of international students to seek to remove a national symbol from a British institution.

“The cultural heritage of all nations has the right to be respected, and a common room that does not do so cannot claim to be inclusive.”

President of Magdalen College, Dinah Rose has reacted to the uproar the decision has created on Twitter:

“Here are some facts about Magdalen College and HM the Queen.

“The Middle Common Room is an organisation of graduate students. They don’t represent the College.

“A few years ago, in about 2013, they bought a print of a photo of the Queen to decorate their common room.

“They recently voted to take it down.

“Both of these decisions are their own to take, not the College’s.

“Magdalen strongly supports free speech and political debate, and the MCR’S right to autonomy.”

Piers Morgan reacting to the whole drama on Twitter said: “FFS. These woke lunatics are beyond parody.

“Can we vote to have Monarch-ordered Tower of London imprisonment powers restored for these insolent wastrels?”

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