A body of a 12-year -old boy, was found hanging in the room of the house on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, at Nalupo village in Phalombe district.

Phalombe Police Publicist Officer, Sergeant Innocent Moses has confirmed the development.

According to Sergeant Moses, on the said date, the mother to the deceased woke up in the morning and went to the garden leaving her son at home.

When reporting back from the garden, she found his son hanging to the roof of the house.

The matter was reported at the Nkhulambe Police unit where officers rushed to the scene and a postmortem conducted by a medical practitioner from Nkhulambe health center indicates that death was due to strangulation.

The motive behind Vincent’s hanging still remains unclear.

The deceased who has been identified as Vincent Chilenga hailed from Nalupo Village in the area of Traditional Authority Nkhulambe in Phalombe district.

Meanwhile, police are appealing to the general public to desist from acts of terminating their own lives whenever they fall into challenging situations.

They should rather seek help from others within their community.

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