After the High Court in Mzuzu nullified the chieftaincy of Mtima Gondwe as Paramount Chief Chikulamayembe, ten members of the royal families have voted for a name of the person to take over the Chieftaincy.

Joseph Bongololo Gondwe is the one believed to have been voted to be the next Themba la Mathemba Chikulamayembe 13, but Faceofmalawi cannot independently confirm.

However, secretary for Mtima, Hunga Gondwe, said the process was marred with irregularities and that the results cannot be accepted.

Meanwhile, the name of the person voted has been sent to the office of District Commissioner for further submission to the Ministry of Local Government and President Lazarus Chakwera’s approval.

Rumphi District Commissioner Fred Movete has confirmed being given the name on condition that he does not disclose it until government vets it.

Voting took place under heavy police presence.

Meanwhile, lawyer for Joseph Bongololo, who contested the chieftaincy leading to its annulment Michael Goba Chipeta, says he attended the meeting as an observer and that what has been agreed is that the president will announce the name once he approves it.

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