The High Court has adjourned the land case involving politicians Simon Vuwa Kaunda, Charles Mchacha and former secretary to the government, Lloyd Muhara, to 2:30pm today for plea taking.

Earlier today, the court made a number of rulings on objections raised by the defence.

One of the objections was that the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) cannot represent the State on counts that fall under the Penal Code.

Judge Annabel Mtalimanja has however ruled that ACB can be involved in the Penal Code counts, given that the Director of Public Prosecutions has given a consent.

The three are answering multiple charges connected to an alleged illegal purchase of a piece of land by Mchacha, belonging to the Department of Forestry at Kanjedza in Blantyre.

This happened when both Mchacha and Kaunda were cabinet ministers during the Democratic Progressive Party regime.

The case also involves secretary to Ministry of Defence, Bright Kumwembe.


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