A jilted Buhera man allegedly went berserk and bashed his girlfriend to death for having an affair with another man.

Shadreck Murimi of Bwanya village under chief Makoni was arrested for killing his girlfriend Besta Zamba of Denhera village after accusing her of cheating.

Manicaland provincial police spokesperson Inspector Luxson Chananda confirmed the tragic incident which occurred on June 6 at Munodamafaro bottle store to The Mirror.

According to the police report, at 1700hrs on the fateful day, Murimi and Zamba were drinking beer at Munodamafaro bottle store when the former accused the latter of cheating with other men.

An altercation broke up between the two resulting in Murimi kicking Zamba on the forehead. After the attack, Zamba allegedly fell down and started bleeding profusely.

Murimi was refrained by other patrons from further attacking  Zamba.

As if that wasn’t enough, at around 2200hrs whilst on their way home Murimi reportedly started attacking Zamba with a stick.

Passersby tried to stop the fight but failed because Murimi had become so violent.

Zamba was found dead the following morning along the same footpath where the incident happened.

A police report was made leading to Murimi’s arrest.

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