Senior Resident Magistrate Court Sitting in Lilongwe has on June 14, 2021 convicted and sentenced Patrick Mateyu to pay fines in 5 traffic offences which he committed.

The court heard through police prosecutor Sergeant Abigail Chirwa that on June 9, 2021, at around 10:40 hours, Mateyu was riding a motorcycle between Capital Hill main gate and Capital Hotel along Chilembwe road.

The prosecutor said that the cyclist had no driving licence; he was riding unregistered motorcycle; he was also carrying two pillion passengers, without crash helmets.

Patrick Mateyu pleaded guilty to all counts.

In mitigation, Mateyu pleaded with court for leniency citing that he committed the offenses trying to survive the hardship of this life.

“Passing judgement, Senior Resident Magistrate Wanangwa Nyirenda said that accidents caused by inexperienced motorcyclists are rampant in the city, as such the convict needed severe punishment.

For the first count of use of unregistered motorcycle which is contrary to section 11(2) of road traffic act, Mateyu was sentenced to pay a fine of K50,000, or in default 12 months imprisonment. For the second count of riding a motorcycle on public road without being covered with insurance policy contrary to section 141(2) of road traffic act, he was sentenced to K50,000 fine, or in default 12 months imprisonment.” Lingadzi police PRO, Salome Zgambo narrated

“On third count of riding a motorcycle on public roads without license contrary to section 18 as read with 167(2) of the road traffic act, Mateyu was sentenced to K50,000 fine, or in default 12 months imprisonment.

On fourth count of carrying more than one pillion passenger on motorcycle contrary to section 109 of road traffic act, Mateyu was sentenced to K20,000 fine, or in default 12 months imprisonment. On the last count, carrying two pillion passengers without putting crash helmets contrary to section 109(2) of road traffic act, he was sentenced to K20,000 fine. Zgambo added

The convict managed to pay all fines amounting to K190,000.

Patrick Mateyu 29 years, hails from Musa village in traditional authority Mbawera in Thyolo.


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