President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera says children are crucial component for a prosperous Malawi hence need to be nurtured.
The President was speaking in Mangochi during a commemoration of Day of African Child and a launch of early childhood development advocacy campaign.
Dr Chakwera urged parents to show love and affection and let children realise their dream.
“Children are precious gift that God the almighty entrusted us with, Children are highly valuable than gold, children are highly valuable than diamond or any other expensive vehicle. There is need therefore to show love and affection towards our children to help them realise their dream,” said the Malawi leader.
Representative for Children, Promise Macheso said children are facing numerous challenges affecting their education and day to day life.
“Children are struggling with inadequate learning and teaching materials. Our brothers and sisters are sleeping without any form of protection. Children are forced into early marriages and to make matters worse COVID-19 has affected lives of children,” lamented Macheso.
Macheso therefore asked for government to put in place measures that will protect rights of children and policies that are favorable to children development.
Day of African Children is commemorated following an incident that occurred in 1976 in South Africa where black children took to the streets against discriminatory education policies that apartheid government was advancing.
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