A commercial sex worker in Kenya, on Wednesday morning, accused her client, a prison warder attached of taking long on the act before becoming violent; leading to a quarrelsome walk to a police station.

Ms Joan Awuor remained with no option but to drag the warder to Dandora Police Station where she accused the officer identified as Denis Ouma Otieno of causing drama moments after taking two hours in the act.

It all started on Tuesday evening when the warder agreed to have sex with Awuor in her house at a fee of ksh4,000 (K29,000)  which he paid through mobile money transfer.

A police report seen by K24 Digital revealed that the officer took long in the act and did not ejaculate, a thing that forced Awuor to push him away.

“After the act, the police officer did not complete the mission since he did not ejaculate after two hours of happiness,” the report read in part.

Otieno is then accused of becoming wild when he was pushed away by Awuor as he threatened her to get back to bed or give him back his money.

Awuor instead turned down the request and the officer went ahead to start threatening that he will end her life.

Otieno then started creating unnecessary drama within the plot where Awuor lives which saw the duo drag each other to the station.

A senior officer at Dandora police station who spoke in confidence as he is not authorised to address the media said that the two met when they were on a drinking spree in the city.

According to Awuor, it is the man who rushed to the police station moments after he turned against her and became violent.

“Ask him why he was breaking things in my house? Why did he go ahead and break my door? The truth is that he messed up,” she said when contacted.

According to her, the officer was lying that she had stolen from him saying that he should be asked where he spent his night.

K24 Digital contacted the officer who accused the lady of being violent and turning against him.

He said that he was injured by Awuor and that he was even forced to seek medical attention at a clinic within Lang’ata.

“I don’t have anything against her and I have decided to forgive her. There is no need of prolonging the matter,” he said.

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