Poet Marumbo Sichinga is part of the 30 country representatives set to battle it out in the Africa Cup of Slam Poetry that takes place every two years.

The first edition was in N’Djamena, Chad in 2018 with 20 countries competing and Senegal emerging as the winner.

The Second edition was supposed to take place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in November 2020 but it failed due to covid.

‘’The second edition was moved to this year and it will still be in Ethiopia if things stay the same but it will be online if cases of Covid rise,’’ Marumbo said.

He said he is part of the 30 country representatives to be part of the event spanning over five days of workshop, creative writing seasons and the main activity which is slam.

‘’ Countries that are part of the movement have representatives who nominate from countries. Malawi’s representative is Menes la Plume and he nominated me and I was accepted to take part in this year’s completion,’’ Marumbo.

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