Rumphi First Grade Magistrate Court has on Thursday sentenced a 34-year-old man to 7 years in prison for biting off the ear of another man.

Rumphi Police Station’s Prosecution Officer, Inspector Kelvin Ng’ambi has confirmed the development while identifying the man as Dokiso Chirambo.

The court heard through Inspector Ng’ambi that Chirambo committed the offense on January 10, 2021, at Mbulunji in the district.

Ng’ambi further said, the victim, Khwima Chirambo, owed the convict K300.

On this said date, Dokiso went to the house of the victim at around 11:00 PM, to remind and collect his money.

However, instead of repaying the money, the victim pleaded with him to come another day as he had no cash then, this angered Dokiso who immediately jumped over the victim. He completely bit off the victim’s ear.

Upon hearing a cry, members of the community woke up and caught Dokiso who was fleeing after the incident.

Dokiso was later taken to Ntchenachena Police Unit where he was formally charged with grievous harm.

The victim was referred to Lura Health Center for treatment.

Appearing before First Grade Magistrate Cuthbert Phiri, Dokiso pleaded not guilty to the charge brought against him.

This forced the state to parade three witnesses who testified against him and were found guilty.

In submission, Inspector Ng’ambi asked the court to give a deterrent sentence that would serve as a lesson to him and deter other would-be offenders.

Ng’ambi added that the victim was left with a permanent body disfigurement just because of a small amount of money, a thing which Chirambo could have avoided.

In mitigation, he asked for the court’s leniency saying he was the first offender and bread-winner.

Passing the sentence, Magistrate Phiri declined Chirambo’s mitigations, saying Chirambo behaved like a wild animal by biting off another person’s ear just because of K300 credit, which is against Section 238 of the Penal code.

He, therefore, sentenced the convict to 7 years and 6 months imprisonment with hard labor.

Chirambo comes from Kaulanda Village under Traditional Authority Mwahenga in Rumphi District.

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