The police in Chikwawa district have arrested two men for allegedly robbing Nchalo-based Afrisian Company money amounting to K22 million.

Chikwawa Police publicist Dickson Matemba has confirmed the development while identifying the two as the company’s driver Lawrence Likaswe, and Moses Steshy, a nurse at St. Montfort Mission Hospital.

According to Matemba, the two suspects stormed Afrisian Offices armed with panga knives and went away with cash amounting to K22 million.

“Working on a tip-off from well-wishers we managed to arrest the two suspects on Friday 18th June 2021.” said Matemba

After being interrogated the duo admitted to robbing the company and went further mentioning another person who is keeping the money.

However, the third suspect who is keeping the money is at large.

“Meanwhile, we are working to bring the other suspect to book and recover the cash,” added Matemba.

The two suspects will appear in court soon to answer the charge of robbery, contrary to Section 300 of the Penal code.

Likaswe (36) hails from Mzambala Village, Traditional Authority Mlumbe in Zomba while Steshy (32) hails from Bereu Village Traditional Authority Mesaya in Chikwawa district.

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