At a wedding in Suzhou city, Jiangsu province of China, the groom’s mother discovered a birthmark on her daughter-in-law’s hand that was very similar to her missing child.

As the bride is also at the same age as her long-lost daughter, the mother could not stop herself from questioning the real identity of her daughter-in-law.

According to the media, the woman immediately went to the bride’s parents to ask if they had adopted a child more than 20 years ago. The bride’s parents were very surprised by this question as it was a secret they have kept for many years and even the bride did not know about it.

As the groom’s father was insisted on her point, the bride’s parents had to reveal that they had indeed found the bride as a little girl on the side of the road a long time ago and have adopted her ever since.

When she heard the news, the bride burst into tears and described the moment she received her biological mother as “happier than the wedding day”.

However, another concern was raised: if the bride is the biological daughter of the groom’s mother, they cannot marry each other as they are siblings. But soon after, the groom’s mother revealed another interesting twist that the marriage can be carried on because the groom was also her adopted son.

According to her, she adopted a baby boy (now the groom) after giving up hope of finding her missing daughter. She searched for her daughter for many years to no avail.

When all the truth is revealed, the new bride feels relieved and continues to organize the wedding. At the same time, everyone attending the wedding felt like a double joy and sent their best wishes to the bride and groom as well as the newlywed mother and daughter.

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