• About 450 suspects have been arrested by the Police in the past seven days in the cities of Blantyre and Lilongwe alone.

National Police spokesperson James Kadadzera has confirmed the development.

According to Kadadzera, the arrests were made on suspicion of a spectrum of crimes committed in the cities lately.

“They are suspected of committing different crimes including robbery, theft, housebreaking, unlawful wounding and found in possession of property suspected to have been stolen,” says Kadadzera.

According to Kadadzera, 250 of the suspects have been arrested in Lilongwe town, Kawale, Kanengo, Lingadzi, and Likuni townships while in Blantyre, police have arrested 200 suspects in Blantyre town, Limbe town, Ndirande, Chirimba, and Bangwe townships.

Kadadzera has since warned that more arrests are to follow as the police continue with intelligence gathering and patrols to rid of criminal activity.

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