In the past, if you have a Word file and wanted it to be secure, you would have needed to go online, then pay for and download a PDF software. You would then need to go through the features of that software to understand it, then apply what you learned to see if you could do everything yourself. If you got it right the first time, then you would have jumped up and yelled “Hurray!” before sitting down and sending the document (now in a secure PDF format) to the recipient. Whew! Now that is many steps to go through just for a conversion service.

But what if you learned that all that is now unnecessary because there is a service that will do all that work for you at a much lower price than what you would pay for the PDF software mentioned? 

Brace yourself. There is indeed such a service – and its name is

What is

This doc to pdf online service will allow you to convert your file from .doc format to PDF format in a short period. It is available online as a cloud service to its subscribers who pay an annual or monthly fee for the privilege. It can sometimes be known as a Word to PDF conversion tool, and it’s available exclusively from

This service is beneficial to ordinary people because in the past you would have to go through many steps before you could successfully create a PDF document of your own.

Why Do I Have to Subscribe for the Service?

The service comes as a subscription so that you can use the service an unlimited number of times by the month or by the year, depending on what you signed up and paid for. Your subscription will allow you to use the service anywhere there is an internet signal so that you can immediately send your converted document to its intended recipient right after the conversion is done. Since it is available via a subscription, will not allow anyone else to use the service in your place. That makes it exclusive to members only.

Does the Service Require a Special Operating System Installed on My Computer?

That’s one of the great parts of using this .doc to PDF conversion service – you won’t need any unique and specific operating system to use it. That means regardless of whether you’re using a Windows, Linux, or Mac environment, you can still use the service. It won’t affect the conversion output at all.

But Won’t My File Be Stuck in the Website Afterwards?

No, your document will only be retained within the site for a total of 60 minutes. After that, the system automatically deletes your file, and there won’t be any remnants or copies stored within the website. You retain complete privacy about the contents of your document. And even if you use the website multiple times, there won’t be any parts of your documents left within the website.

How Long Does it Take for the Service to Work?

The .doc to PDF conversion tool will only take around two minutes to change your .doc file to a PDF format. Since the website operates as a cloud service, it can be accessed anywhere with a strong internet signal. This means you won’t have to waste time looking for a computer rental shop with internet access where you could do the file conversion. As long as your subscription to is active, you can easily and quickly access the file conversion tool yourself and do your .doc to PDF conversion.

Why Is It Easier to Use This Cloud Service Than to Buy PDF Software Online?

One reason you should use is that you don’t need to learn how to use any particular PDF software. If you only have one document to convert into PDF, you will find it more convenient to rely on rather than absorb all the features of PDF software. The website is intentionally very simple to use so that subscribers needn’t agonize over trying to remember what commands to click on or initiate. Since it is all done in the cloud, you can just look for a location that has a strong internet signal and open your computer to do the task. Within minutes, your important document has been converted to PDF and sent. You can then move on to other tasks with less worrying done.

Why is it Preferable to Use a PDF Format for My Essential Document?

Many people know the value of using a PDF format for their important documents because of privacy. For example, lawyers will require a PDF for their legal documents to avoid any tampering, particularly if the document is involved in litigation. Accountants might be sending a copy of financial statements to investors so those documents also need to be in PDF format. Freelance writers who have been contracted as exclusive subcontractors for a project might also be asked to write documents that also need to be secured before being sent to project owners. Almost everyone who has ever written a document will agree that having the choice to change their document into PDF format is a valuable option indeed.

If I Subscribe to, Will I Have Other File Conversion Tools Available For Use?

Yes, you have access to quite a lot of other file conversion tools too if you subscribe. For example, you can opt for the Convert to PDF tools or the Convert From PDF tools, as needed. There are a lot of other different file conversion tools on the same website. That makes your subscription a whole lot more attractive and cost-friendly compared to other similar services online. This just sweetens the deal for subscribers who sign up with for either the monthly or annual subscription then.

Conclusion is indeed a lifesaver for anyone who has ever needed to change their Word file into a PDF format. If you haven’t tried this yet, it may be time you did. Try it once, and you will see how it can change your work life for the better.

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