In Kenya, a 30-year-old woman is nursing wounds in her private parts after allegedly being mutilated by her husband who she claims joined a cult a few months ago.

The woman said her husband demanded that she undergoes female genital mutilation as his faith does not allow him to live with uncircumcised women in the house.

She said the man had even threatened to circumcise their three children but she was to go undergo the primitive act first.

True to his word,  the man in the company of 30 other men stormed at their home on the night of 9th June and started mutilating her private parts.

“One of them held me by the neck, another tore down my clothes and a few started pulling off my private parts. One of them was piercing me with a needle and it was very painful,” she said.

Prior to that, the men had camped outside their house where they slaughtered a goat to perform a ritual before getting inside the house.

“At around 11.00 pm, the man knocked on the door and I opened it for him but a few minutes later the other men flocked into the house and started attacking me.

“They said they want to circumcise me so that I can become a ‘complete woman’ as per their practices,” she said.

She said she sought help from the area Assistant Chief but to her surprise, the administrator told her to give in to the man’s demand for sake of peace.

The woman said she moved to a different house but the man followed him where they removed two iron sheets as a warning that they were still pursuing her.

The mother of three says she is living in fear and that she is seeking protection from the Kenyan government.

“I fear for my safety and my children’s because the man might decide to harm us and he could be tracking us everywhere we go,” she remarked.

She said they have lived together with the husband for 12 years and cannot understand why he would turn against her.

She said she has since developed health complications as she is not able to pass urine and has been bleeding ever since.

“I was first treated at a facility in Kandara, but the wounds have not healed that’s why I came to Murang’a hospital,” she explained.

The mother of three is seeking justice for the act committed against her and stern action taken against the man.

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