Zimbabwean man has been sent to an earl grave after he confronted a man who snatched his pregnant girlfriend.

Police investigations into the murder of Justice Chidhakwa (20) of Chidhakwa Village in Manoti, Gokwe who died are currently underway while two suspects are on the run.

Midlands province police spokesperson Emmanuel Mahoko confirmed the death who died after being stabbed once with a knife by two male assailants around 1900 hours.

The incident took place near a COTTCO buying point at Kana Mission Business Centre, Gokwe.

“Circumstances are that on 27 June 2021 at about 19:00 hours, the now-deceased Justice Chidhakwa of Chidhakwa Village in Manoti was walking along a dust road on his way home from Kana Mission Business Centre,” Mahoko told NewZimbabwe.com.

“He was approached by Simbarashe Zikoke and Wellington Zharare aged 27 and 23 respectively of Chinyauro Village. The two suspects accused Chidhakwa of calling (on the phone) their friend Joseph Muzenda whom he (Chidhakwa) claimed had married his pregnant girlfriend.”

According to the police, a misunderstanding arose between Chidhakwa and the two suspects.

Zikoke is reported to have grabbed Chidhakwa from behind whilst Zharare stabbed him with a knife once on the left side of the chest and once on the left leg.

“He died on the spot. The two then placed a loaded cotton bale on top of the body and disappeared from the scene,” he said.

The matter was reported to the police by an eyewitness and the murder scene was attended by the police.

“The body of the deceased was conveyed to Gokwe South Hospital Mortuary. No arrests were made and investigations are underway.

“Police are appealing to members of the public who might have information about the whereabouts of the suspects Simbarashe Zikoke and Wellington Zharare to inform any nearest police station. On the same note, we reiterate the need for people to seek mediation from elders whenever they have differences,” Mahoko said.

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