Malawi State House’s Director of Communications Sean Kampondeni has said remarks made by former Head of State Peter Mutharika on Chakwera administration are an insult to Malawians who ushered Tonse led government in power.

Kampondeni was speaking today in Lilongwe at Kamuzu Palace during the weekly press briefing responding to what Mutharika said yesterday regarding the current state the country is in.

“We find that position unacceptable and an insult to the Malawian people and the Malawian people will be the judge of that opinion from the law professor,” says Kampondeni.

According to Mutharika, President Lazarus Chakwera led government is doing nothing to the country apart from stealing whom he said Chakwera is the King of Thieves as he was (Mutharika) crowned as Prince of Thieves by incumbent president.

Mutharika further said that since the judicial coup he alleged that Chakwera and Judges agreed on, Malawians are now suffering as prices of good keeps rising adding that there is no direction in the current administration.

Mutharika clearly said that he is not impressed with how Tonse Alliance under Chakwera is running state affairs, hence providing a helping hand saying he is ready to help where necessary.

Responding to Mutharika, Kampondeni said Chakwera does not have time to respond to such remarks as he is busy running state affairs.

He further added what Mutharika should know is that Malawians voted Mutharika out and put Chakwera out of their own will.

Kampondeni then added that Mutharika is wrong to say that Chakwera does not have policy direction, he then wonders where Mutharika was as Chakwera has given policy directions on several issues.

Kampondeni further added that on job creation, Chakwera administration has managed to create thousands of jobs under AIP and construction programs but could not deny that economy has indeed slowed but putting the blame on Mutharika saying Chakwera inherited it from him.

In his remarks Chakwera’s spokesperson Brian Banda said the former president who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) president should stop politicking and focus on developing the country.

According to Banda, Malawi will be developed under the Chakwera adminstration.

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