By orchestra kamanga

Located next to ALTAQWA Mosque along Mandala road at Ginnery Corner, Atlas Medical Center promises and assures people that the clinic will continue to provide best services in the country.

Speaking in an interview, the clinic Managing Director Dr. Pairth Patel said the main objective and goals of the clinic is to assist people in Malawi with advanced and innovative healthy care services.

“The goal of the clinic is to see patients access quality healthy services in the country which has been faced with numerous obstacles over years,” he said.

Patel further said the main obstacles in health sector still remain a barrier to healthy care services provision and the Doctor has since assured Malawi citizenry that with experience and expertise the clinic has, people will now be able to access quality healthy care services.

He also said they have committed towards Acceleration and enhancing access to quality healthy care services for Malawi.

The clinic’s vision is to provide quality healthy care services for all members of the society and advanced and innovative healthy care technology.

“We provide services like out- patient clinic, general practitioner clinic, specialists clinic in hypertension, diabetes, kidney clinic, diagnostic laboratory, pharmacy to mention but a few,” he said.

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