Learners at Ntemwende primary school in Dedza north are boycotting classes following the release on bail of a certain boy who allegedly defiled a 15-year-old girl at the school.
Some of the learners are saying  that the boy lives near the school and as such leaners are  no longer feeling safe to be learning while the boy is around the school environs.
“He dragged me into a maize field and defiled me. I told him to leave me but he slapped me. I am not happy at what happened,” said one girl.
Magistrate Talakwanji M’dala of Nkhadza Magistrate Court has confirmed the development
Talakwanji said that  a preliminary inquiry by the court into the matter showed that the accused is 17 prompting referral to the child justice court hence releasing him on bail.
said a preliminary inquiry by the court into the matter showed that the accused is 17 prompting referal to the child justice court hence releasing him on bail.
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