The Ministry of Health has handed over to health facilities 56 fully equipped ambulances, 64 motorcycles and medical equipment for the Covid-19 response.

The ambulances,motorcycles and medical equipment have been procured with financial support from the Global Fund by Ministry of Health Global Fund/Gavi Programme Implementation Unit (PIU).

Speaking during the handover in Lilongwe, Minister of Health Khumbize Chiponda said every public hospital, including central hospitals will receive at least one fully equipped ambulance.

In addition, each central hospital will receive a min-bus model ambulance.

“Our two International Airports; Kamuzu and Chileka will be allocated one mini-bus ambulance each, which will be under the custody of the District Health Office in their respective districts,” said Chiponda.
She further disclosed that the Ministry will also distribute one ambulance to nine CHAM facilities.

In 2020, the Government of Malawi received a US$31 million (about K24 billion) grant from the Global Fund to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on TB, HIV and Malaria programmes.

From this amount, US$3.3 million (about K2.6 bilion) was earmarked for procurement of 76 ambulances, 64 motorcycles and medical equipment.


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