A-44-year-old police officer of Mufulira has been dragged to court for allegedly raping and impregnating a 16 year old girl.

It is alleged that between October 8 and November 11, 2020 in Mufulira, Maxwell Ludaka 44, of house number MD/3 Sikalangwe police camp in Mufulira had unlawful carnal knowledge of a woman without her consent.

When the case came up before Ndola based senior resident Magistrate Peggy Banda, the victim who is a pupil and resides in Chambeshi said on the material day she went to visit her grandmother who in stays in Kamuchanga Township in Mufulira.

She however said because it was late, she went to Mufulira Central Police station to ask for help.

The victim further narrated that when she reached Mufulira Central police station, she found Ludaka on duty and explained to him how she moved.

She said the officer then offered her shelter at his home.

The victim said later at the night, Ludaka entered where she slept while holding a knife threatening to kill her and throw her body in the drainage if she shouted for help.

The victim said Ludaka then removed her cloths and had carnal knowledge of her.

She victim narrated that the ordeal continued for three days until the fourth day when she escaped.

And when asked by state advocate Innocent Kamunga why she left some cloths at Ludaka’s home, the victim said she left the items as evidence in case something bad happened to her.

She said she then went to the market and asked for help where she was given K20 and went back to Chambeshi where she narrated the ordeal to her aunt.

The victim said after a few months later, she back to Mufulira with a view of meeting Ludaka so that he takes responsibility of the pregnancy.

The victim however said her visits were unsuccessful as some police officers at Central police station were not helpful and kept telling to go there the next day.

She said after her search for Ludaka was unsuccessful, a female police officer advised her to report the matter to Kamuchanga Police Station.

And asked by Mr Kamunga why it took her so long to report the matter to her mother or the police, the victim response was that her mother is short-tempered and that she was scared of being locked up at the police as the accused is police officer.

Currently, the victim has a two week old child which she alleges is Ludaka’s child.

Magistrate Banda adjourned the matter to a later date.

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