A lady going by the names Cynthia Tima Yeboah, real names Tima Kumkum has disclosed a secret regarding her split from ex-husband. The lady is a popular Ghanaian journalist and has been in the limelight for quite a while.

In a TV interview, Kumkum intimated to Deloris Frimpong Manso, a TV show host on Delay TV that her reason for marriage was simply to get revenge on her former boyfriend.

Apparently she found her boyfriend cheating on her with a friend of hers.

For that reason, she decided to hurriedly tie the knot with another man, now ex-husband to get back at him.

However, the journalist further says that the marriage was not built on the foundation of love.

She however truly hoped that love would grow in it along the line.

Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. Instead, everything went south and ended in divorce.

Kumkum also revealed that she is looking for a man for companion. Someone she can always lean on and talk sensitive matters with.

“For example, when at work and someone does something to me, I wish I can call someone who cares and talk to him. But when I pick up the phone, I have no one to call”, she said.

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Watch the video below as she narrates her story

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