A man identified as Gentry Ngulube has hanged himself in Chinyera, Mzimba District.

Police say the incident happened on July 15, 2021.

Mzimba Deputy Publicist, Sub Inspector John Nyirongo said reports show that Nguluwe phoned his son who is in the Republic of South Africa that he was tired of living, hence he was going to commit suicide

Upon receipt of the phone call, the son phoned relatives in his village about the development.

The village headman organized a search party and found Nguluwe lifeless hanging under the tree.

Police from Kafukule informed medical personnel who conducted the postmortem and results showed that the death was due to suffocation.

Police in Mzimba are pleading with the public to seek lawful remedies at nearby Victim Support Units when they face challenges rather than committing suicide.

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