Civil Servants Traded Union (CSTU) has threatened to organize a countrywide strike if government fails to honor an agreement of implementing a 15 percent salary hike.

CSTU General Secretary, Mabvuto Kaonga confirmed that their leadership met the Government Negotiating Team (GNT) two days before the passing of 2021/22 national budget.

According to Kaonga, government agreed to raise their salaries, however, it is still yet to implement the increment through the issuance of salary circular.

Government has been given a seven-day ultimatum to increase civil servants’ salaries or else risk a countrywide strike.

“CSTU and GNT amicably negotiated and agreed. However, we have noted with great concern that government is delaying to implement what we agreed on the salary increment,” read the statement written by the CSTU leadership directed to the office of Secretary to the President.

The union has therefore stressed that government should honor the agreement in a period of 7 days else will face a countrywide industrial strike.

However, CSTU president John Mdambo has said the issue of strike is avoidable only if government decides to treat their concern with seriousness.

According to Mdambo, their demand of 15 percent hike is justifiable considering that prices of essential commodities have gone up.

“With the cost of living going up, it is hard for someone to look after a family of five with what the civil servants are currently getting,” said Mdambo.

Government is yet to comment on the matter.

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