In a mysterious development, three villagers from Mapanzure communal lands in Masvingo are alleged to have disappeared last Friday after plunging into a pool during a ritual ceremony.

The publications has established that the three, whose identities have not been disclosed, were apparently performing rituals on the banks of  Musogwezi River before they jumped into a pool along with two other villagers.

According to police, Victor Tazvigwira (41) and Blessed Dhombo (age not given) both of Tazvigwira village in the area, who also jumped into the water, re-emerged and were rescued after a prayer session led by Pastor Amos Chituru (49) of Manyangadze village in Mutasa, Manicaland.

Meanwhile, the three people have not been seen since last week and relatives are said to be now conducting rituals for their safe return.

However, there are fears that the three might have drowned.

Masvingo provincial police spokesperson Inspector Kudakwashe Dhewa told  State media that the police sub-aqua was ready to move in and search for the missing persons once relatives give the go-ahead.

According to police, Pastor Chituri was invited to Tazvigwira village for prayers at Zishiri homestead on July 14.

He then reportedly prophesied that Victor needed to be cleansed in a river.

On July 16, Victor and his relatives teamed up with Pastor Chituri and went to Musogwezi River where they prayed while on the banks of the river.


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