The burial for the veteran broadcaster and gospel musician Sweeney Chimkango will be held today in Makwasa, Thyolo at Andinyaza village.

Chinkango’s body is expected to leave Mthunzi Funeral Parlor Mortuary in Blantyre at 10am

Chinkango died on Thursday morning at Adventist Hospital in Blantyre due to Covid-19.

MBC director general George Kasakula described the late as loyal and friendly to everyone.

“He was a good man to everyone. He was one of the first crop of employees for then Television Malawi (TVM) and he never left. He was very loyal and everybody’s friend,” said Kasakula.

Until his death, the veteran broadcaster-cum-musician was Acting Controller of Programmes at MBC TV.

Meanwhile, tributes for the legendary broadcaster are still pouring in with many Malawians describing his death as a big loss to the country.


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