Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare Patricia Akweni Kaliati on Monday stunned many Malawians when she shunned her ministerial vehicle to ride a bicycle to her office at Capitol Hill in Lilongwe.

In the video which has gone viral on social media, Kaliati is heard saying bye to some staff members before riding her bicycle.

Some people are also heard asking each other as to whether she will manage to cycle wherever she is residing.

Commenting on the video Ellen Sharra wrote: “Politics aside this woman is just who she is, down to earth, no pretence, I just love this woman, God bless her more.”

On his part Israel Dooms said: “Me too i like this mama because her life is so amazing, she is very humble.”

Another fan of Kaliati identified as Lubari Martin said: “I like how simple she has made herself like any other ordinary person. This is a leader who truly know that she has nothing to do with luxary, and convoy of protection force. Great job.”

The video has also seen some Malawians urging other Cabinet Ministers to emulate the same as means of protecting the environment.

William Kumwenda said: “To protect the pollution of our environment from fumes emitted by SUVs all ministers & deputies should follow her exemplary example. Henceforth they should start riding bicycles to and from work.”

Meanwhile it is yet to be seen if Kaliati will continue with her move.

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