Within our foundry, you will find artists who cumulatively have decades of experience creating breathtaking pieces that stun the mind and elevate the senses. Each piece is painstakingly crafted using nothing but the most magnificent designs, whether they be original pieces or commissions on behalf of other artists.

However, it is our bronze castings in which we take the most pride. It is via this most ancient art form that we have been able to carve a niche among the elite of elite foundries.

The Tradition Of Bronze Casting

We have nothing but the utmost respect for the rich history of bronze casting and the techniques developed by artists over millennia. Hence, why we still use the most refined of these methods in our foundry.

Using silicon rubber molds, we are able to create a facsimile of beautiful pieces which we are then able to craft using lost wax bronze casting. As a medium, bronze is one of the most malleable and ware-resistant media out there. Hence, why thousands of ancient bronze works survive to this day, belying the extensive history of bronze casting.

Ancient Bronze Casting

The practice of bronze casting was preceded by the Bronze Age, which began 6500 years ago. It is from these humble beginnings of cast and hammered bronze that the art form we know today would take shape.

At around 3,000 BCE, the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia and what is now the island of Crete individually began using bronze casting techniques to craft bracelets and amulets as status symbols and for spiritual purposes. Though compositions differed somewhat, castings invariably contained cupper and variable levels of tin at the very least.

By the year 1646 BCE, bronze casting had spread to the Shang Dynasty of what is now part of modern-day China. It is in the Shang Dynasty that the practice of piece mold casting seems to have originated. However, it would soon be overtaken by the lost wax casting of the Greeks.

By the year 500 BCE, the Greeks had discovered the hollow lost-wax casting technique which is used in our modern-day foundries. By creating a hollow center at the start of the casting process, this gift from our Greek predecessors allows for life-size works on a scale unwitnessed prior to their time.

However, it was not until the 19th century that these techniques once again came into common use among artists with works such as The Thinker and The Broncho Buster. Thanks to this revival, we are able to use the techniques in our foundry today

The Bronze Casting Process

In our foundries, you can see ancient bronze casting with modern equipment. It starts with a delicately made clay model which used to create a wax mold. From there, we use a metal pouring system that delivers molten metal into a cavity. After, the wax is burnt, and the bronze is allowed to rapidly cool. Finally, the shell is removed and the piece is reassembled, sanded, and polished.

In conclusion, we offer stunning bronze casting services using ancient bronze casting services. When you hire us, you can be sure you’re getting the very best. Contact us, and let’s get started.






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