The Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) member and soldier identified as Clemence Moyo, has died after being heavily assaulted and stabbed over a bar lady in Kadoma.

Reports suggest that on July 25 Moyo went to a local bar in Kadoma around 7 pm to drink beer, he saw Lydia Zhou a bar lady, and proposed.

Zhou turned the soldier down and the two suspects Silas Siyamusimbe (26) and Johannes Twalidi (24) arrived and started pushing Moyo away.

They assaulted him with open hands and Siyamusimbe broke a bottle before stabbing Moyo in the neck.

Prosecutor Tafadzwa Vhore said the soldier fell down and died on the spot.

The duo vanished after the mob surrounded the dead body and was later arrested.

The assailants were dragged to Kadoma magistrates courts on Monday for allegedly killing Moyo.

Magistrate Shingirai Mutiro did not ask them to plead to a murder charge and remanded them in custody to August 13.

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