By Orchestra Kamanga

Former Traditional Authority of Neno District Chekucheku has vowed that he will fight to retain his chieftaincy which he was fired unlawfully by Peter Mutharika’s administration in April,2016.

Former Chekucheku was suspended on may 15, 2014 in Joyce Banda’s regime and retained in June 9, the same year the high court to go to work because his side was not heard.

“I went to re_appeal for my dismissal because I was fired without proper reasons. There were a lot of mistakes between Neno counsel, ministry of local government and state house,” he said adding that he had already filed the appeal to Attorney General.

Chekucheku further said he was fired with just allegations such as grabbing people’s lands, corruption which are not true.

He appealed on February 2, 2015 because former T/ A Chekucheku Chieftaincy was not happy with the ruling saying instead of starting with discipline and hearing, court started with the ruling which in his view was unjust.

“Paramount Gomani came at Neno district and investigated the whole issue and he discovered that it was just a plot aimed at tarnishing my image that later led to my dismissal,” he said.

The Director of Chiefs administration at Neno district Charles Makanga said the ministry asked Chekucheku family to elect a replacement but the family is failing to do the needful.

“Malawi Congress Party officials including Rusell Ngaiyaye and officials from Neno District Councilor visited me some days ago to find out what really happened and they admitted that there were mistakes that marred my dismissal process but up now nothing tangible is coming out,” explained Chekucheku.

He therefore, appealed to Tonse Alliance administration to intervene on the matter for justice to prevail.

Meanwhile, presidential adviser on chiefs Moses Kunkuyu is yet to comment on the matter.

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