A baby thought to be the world’s smallest at birth, Yu Xuan, has been discharged from a Singapore hospital after 13 months of intensive treatment.

Kwek Yu Xuan was just 212g (7.47oz) – the weight of an apple – when she was born and measured 24cm long.

She was delivered at just under 25 weeks – 15 weeks short of the average 40.

Before her birth , the previous record holder was a girl in the US who weighed 245g at birth in 2018 according to the University of Iowa’s Tiniest Babies Registry.

The baby’s mother gave birth to her by emergency C-section four months ahead of schedule after she was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.

After spending over a year in hospital, Yu Xuan now weighs a much healthier 6.3kg (14 pounds).

Worlds Smallest baby at birth (212g) - the weight of an apple, goes home after 13 months in hospital

The baby girl had a “limited chance of survival” according to Singapore’s National University Hospital (NUH) where she was born.

“Against the odds, with health complications present at birth, she has inspired people around her with her perseverance and growth, which makes her an extraordinary “Covid-19″ baby – a ray of hope amid turmoil,” the hospital said in a statement.

During her time in hospital, Yu Xuan was given multiple kinds of treatment and relied on different kinds of machines to survive.

Doctors say she has progressed very well under their care and she is now well enough to be discharged.

The baby still has chronic lung disease and will need help with her breathing at home. However, NUH doctors say she is expected to get better with time.

Her mother, Wong Mei Ling, told local media that the baby’s birth and size came as a shock because her first child – a four-year-old boy – was delivered at term.

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