United Transformation Movement (UTM) has disowned supporters who invaded the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) offices to protest the arrest of Energy Minister Newton Kambala.

ACB on Monday arrested Kambala together with President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s aide Chris Chaima Banda and Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) President Enock Chinana for allegedly attempting to influence the awarding of fuel procurement at NOCMA.

The three today appeared before ACB for questioning. As the three were there, a bus carrying UTM and AFORD supporters arrived at the ACB premises.

The supporters were chanting songs praising Chihana and Kambala.
But speaking in an interview with the press UTM spokesperson Frank Tumpale Mwenefumbo disowned the supporters, saying the party’s supporters who went to ACB Headquarters earlier today did so in their personal capacity.

Mwenifumbo said the party respects rule of law and will not comment on the arrest of their senior member, Energy Minister Newton Kambala.

Asked as to why party vehicles were being used to ferry party supporters to rally behind Kambala, Mwenifumbo says he does not know who released the vehicles.

“Maybe talk to the Regional Governor,” he said.

Meanwhile it is not yet known as to wherever the three will be released today or not.

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