National Police Spokesperson James Kadadzera said Namiwa was arrested this morning at Parliament Building in Lilongwe for “wanting to conduct a vigil without prior approval from the Lilongwe City Council”

“Mr Namiwa earlier notified the City Council of his intention to hold a vigil at Parliament but his notification was refused in writing,” said Kadadzera.

Kadadzera then reminded the general public that exercise of the Constitutional rights “is regulated by law and in this case the right to demonstrate is also regulated by Section 108 of the Police Act which gives powers for the police to arrest without warrant.”

He therefore said that the police will give update on when Namiwa will be taken to court for prosecution.

Another CDEDI senior member Edwin Mauluka has also been nabbed by the Malawi police on the same offence.

Namiwa was leading a group of people demanding answers from parliament over the smuggled bill.

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