A sex starved man in Zimbabwe has threatened to end his life after his wife reportedly denied him sex for over a year.

In a desperate attempt to end his life after a one-year sex ban, Francis Maringe of Village 2 Bonora, Chief Chitanga, literally dug his own grave ready to commit suicide after his efforts to persuade his wife Pauline Munika to perform her wifely duties proved fruitless.

According to a source who spoke with local publications on condition of anonymity, Maringe found no reason to continue living hence his decision to prepare his grave.

“He dug his grave saying that he was going to kill himself one of these days due to frustration. He was always narrating how unlucky he has been in love as his wife had refused him sex for almost a year.” said the source.

The source revealed that Maringe was always lamenting to his relatives that whenever he demanded sex from his wife, she would deny him leaving him high and dry, B-Metro reports.

His relatives allegedly once restrained him from taking his own life after he attempted to commit suicide.

Maringe’s bizarre behavior reportedly caused villagers from Bonora to believe that there is no more love existing between him and his wife. On the other hand, some villagers believe that Maringe is suffering from a mental illness.



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