Social Commentator Joshua Chisa Mbele has reacted to Mk270 million demands by President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera’s son Nick.

Nick dragged to court Chisa Mbele over a defamatory facebook posts.

On 17th April,2021, Mbele is alleged to have made false remarks that Martin Mainja one of the suspects in the abuse of Covid-19 funds is a business partner of Chakwera.

Mbele also alleged that Mainja and Chakwera were irregularly awarded business opportunities by the Office of the President, Cabinet Parliament, Chancellor College, Malawi Prison and Ministry of Health.

He also alleged that the two were not fairly paid for their work but they were stealing.

This did not go down well with Chakwera’s son who demanded an apology from Chisa Mbele through the court and the social commentator apologized over the matter.

But Nick Chakwera went on demanding Mk270 million from Chisa Mbele.

Reacting to this Joshua Chisa Mbele has described the demand as ploy by the Chakwera’s administration to silence its critics.

Below is Joshua Chisa Mbele statement on the matter;

Brutal Crackdown of Corruption Critics

On the surface it may appear that a Joswa is facing Defamation Case.

That’s for children looking for Candy.

The insistence to Sue & Demand for both Apology & Cash is to silence voices of reason in our unwavering criticism of administration infested with Corruption, Maladministration, Disorganization and Incompetence.

A Joswa, Mneneri wa Mulungu is among Malawians who speaks truth to power against corruption.

The Administration will always use any opportunity to intimidate critical voices.

On 28 July, I was arrested on frivolous charges. The Police drove all the way from Headquarters to arrest a person because of a Facebook Status and subsequent comments by others.

I was driven in handcuffs from Salima to Lilongwe. The purpose was to humiliate me and intimidate others.

Truth stands on two legs.

It is common knowledge that the President Inner Circle is brutally corrupt. These are people that we never elected. These are his own personal friends from the Church. He handpicked them and gave them positions in the State House.

1~ Pastor Martin Mainja, Pastor of Assemblies of God was arrested for fraud and corrupt practices. He stole MK97,000,000 of Covid Money through inflated invoices. It happened through Office of President & Cabinet. It happened after we raised our voices.

2~ Pastor Martin Thom of Assemblies of God was recently arrested for smuggling a Bill to Parliament. MK93 billion was the sum in the bill. Thom is President’s own friend and associate from the same Church.

3~ Chaima another Church elder of the Assemblies of God was arrested in Fuel Procurement saga. Chaima is the President friend given a Position to advise President on Strategy ~ Whatever that means.

Today the President Son, Nick Chakwera , Pastor of Assemblies of God, comes with MK270,000,000 demand from a citizen who is speaking against corruption.

My crime was to repeat what others had said. I apologized on my part.

Everyone can see through. These are not matters of justice and restoration of image but rather striking the shepherd with iron fist so that people cower their tails.

I’m saying a noble citizen will never be intimidated. We will keep talking until the last corrupt person has fallen.

We will keep denouncing inner-circle corruption till Malawi is clean from corruption. Corruption within the Executive Branch.

To keep quiet is to betray the poorest of the poor with no voice.

Optics are very damaging to the Presidency Image.

Arresting & Suing are a boomerang. It hurts them more than the victims.

As I’m writing; Office of the President & Cabinet is unable to explain what happened to MK17.1 billion of Covid money. This is after MK6.2 billion was looted.

MK270, 000, 000 is now the new song in Malawi.

Azimai, Anthuwa Boma lawakanika kuyendetsa chifukwa cha Dyera, Kuba ndi Kuononga.

Ndawala pa Town ………..

Ine Ndwiiii……..

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