Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Patricia Kaliati Monday undertook Community Development Mobilization in which she visited projects in Mtuwa and Mase areas, in the area of Senior Chief Chowe in Mangochi.

The Minister visited a road project (Sande via Muwa to Yiwole), Mangale Bridge and Mapujali Forest, where community members are facilitating regeneration of trees.

Before addressing people at Mase Ground, Kaliati toured pavilions erected by various stakeholders who are supporting communities through various interventions such as loans, education, social welfare, sexual reproductive health, nutrition, agriculture, and adult learning, among others.

The Minister commended communities for their dedication in the implementation of projects and asked them to take lead in owning the projects.

Kaliati urged the people to protect the girl child from all forms of abuses and to report defilement cases to Police for perpetrators to face the law.

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