There was drama at the home of the newly sworn Nyamira County Deputy Governor James Gesami’s as locals scrambled for food.

Gesami had hosted a party to celebrate his swearing-in at his home in Gianchore Village, West Mugirango Constituency, whereby he had also invited the governor, Amos Nyaribo.

Security was tight at Gesami’s home however the residents managed to find their way into the venue of the event by sneaking through the thorny fence.

According to The Standard, the outside catering team that was tasked with feeding attendees of the party was reduced to spectators as the tens of hungry residents took control of operations.

The chaotic scene witnessed some of the locals eating directly from the hotpots, others were carrying food in their hands as some ate from the sufurias.

After satisfying their needs,  Gesami’s neighbors left his residence one after the other leaving behind empty plates, hotpots, and sufurias scattered all over the compound as well as overturned tables.

Dr. Gesami’s nomination as the Nyamira Deputy Governor was approved by the County Assembly on August 9 after encountering challenges for a long period.

21 Members of the County Assembly rejected his nomination in January saying that the nominee had not provided all the required paperwork. Only 15 MCAs voted in his favor.

ODM party was forced to recommend a new candidate for the position.

The party suggested that the deputy governor position should be filled by Charles Rigoro however Nyaribo maintained his choice of Gesami.

In May this year Governor Nyaribo resubmitted Gesami’s name for approval in the County Assembly but the process was halted after a case was filed in court to bar his nomination.

Three months later all the members of the county assembly approved his nomination saying that he had submitted all the required documents including clearance certificates from CRB, HELB, EACC and a certificate from his party, ODM.

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