The pubic region is one of the common body parts most people shave. Research has shown that pubic shaving precisely originated in ancient Egypt and Greece when people who carry out prostitution had to shave for both hygienic purposes and as a clear indication of their profession.

So many people who shave their pubic hair know little about its benefits to the body and that is what I will be discussing in this article. Some of the reasons you should restrain from shaving your pubic hair include;

1. Pubic hair regulates your temperature

Body hair can help conserve heat when you are cold and wick away sweat when you are hot.

2. It protects against friction

The fundamental advantage of pubic hair is its ability to lessen friction during $.exual intercourse. The skin in the area around the genitals is very sensitive. Pubic hair can naturally decrease friction associated with the movements during $.exual intercourse and other activities. It can also help protect against friction that can result in skin irritation in this sensitive area.

3. It helps reduce the amount of sweat produced around the v4g!na.

The apocrine sweat glands in the groin area secrete fluid into hair follicles. Pubic hair can entangle bacteria and moisture.

4. Shaving exposes you to different infections

Removing pubic hair may therefore make a person more vulnerable to common infections, such as UTIs, vaginitis, and yeast infections.

5. Pubic hair contains pheromones

$.ex pheromones are chemical (olfactory) signals, pheromones, sent out by an organism to attract an individual of the opposite $.ex. Pheromones are secreted from apocrine sweat glands.

The pubic region has a lot of these glands compared to other parts of the body hence removing them will lead to lower secretion of this hormone.

Everyone should adhere to the tips of this article.

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