President Dr Lazarus Chakwera says the country needs MK300 billion to fight and recover from the consequences of climate change.

The Malawi leader was speaking when he officially opened the National Green Climate Conference in Lilongwe.

Dr Chakwera said climate Change poses a great threat to sustainable development goals as climate change touches on many areas of development such as health and tourism.

At this point, President Chakwera said the road to recovery from the effects of climate change will be long and costly. The Malawi leader said Malawi’s vulnerability to climate change has been fueled by increases in population and the emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

He said: “Due to the pandemic people have lost businesses and their livelihoods have been affected hence resorting to the plunder of the environment.”

He then called for collective climate action from everyone to fight climate change.

The President said a green Malawi is possible if relevant and collaborative efforts are put together in fighting the vice. He further said his Government has put together resources towards creating a green Malawi.

He also called on the conference to come up with concrete strategies that will help fight climate change.

Source – MBC Online


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