Pastor Hastings Salanje of God’s Chapel international has branded Austin Liabunya of the newly ‘Believers Gospel Embassy International as a fake prophet.

On Friday night, the controversial prophet also known as Senior 1 by his followers dropped what he called a national prophecy in which he said that pastor Salanje should just stick to his preaching as he will never become a president of Malawi.

For the past months Salanje has been showing interest to run for presidency in 2030 saying it is his assignment that God has also given him.

Responding to Liabunya, Salanje said when one is making progress will notice it through fake prophets, According to Salanje, they will start prophesying lies.

“Now in Christianity or in politics for you to know that you are making progress you will notice it through FAKE PROPHETS when they will start coming out and try to prophecy lies, don’t get mad at them but rather celebrate because is a sign that you are making progress,” Salanje said.

he added; “Am happy that i have sparked fire in the politics of Malawi to the point that fake prophets are coming out to speak their minds and lies. Well am not here because of prophecies, am a prophet of my own life so keep your prophecies to yourself . But at the same time am happy and continue to lie and change words like a chameleon.”

Salanje then called on Liabunya to respect levels of spirituality as he too young to mess with him.

Writing on his Facebook page, Liabunya said he respond to Salanje today at 10; am saying that he ha sp[prophecies to a number of well known people and his prophecies came to pass.

“I have got a very good track record when it comes to National Prophecies and I have prayed for Presidents, Kings, Queens, Ministers, MPs, Celebrities, etc and it all has come to pass. What makes you think I will miss on you? This is not personal I’m simply conveying a message from God to Malawians who deserve to know the mind of God,” said Liabunya.

Below is what Liabunya said…

I have got a very good track record when it comes to National Prophecies and I have prayed for Presidents, Kings, Queens, Ministers, MPs, Celebrities, etc and it all has come to pass. What makes you think I will miss on you? This is not personal I’m simply conveying a message from God to Malawians who deserve to know the mind of God.

Imagine if I prophesied Good about you, you would probably be looking for me now? and praising that I am a TRUE PROPHET. But because I didn’t you’re now trying to dig my past and create fake stories – anyway, some people need to be forced into their lane so they can discover God’s perfect will for their lives ???.

I will go LIVE tomorrow Monday 10am and reply you the mind of God and please don’t bring tempers but act like Munthu wankulu and show Malawians you’re mature and you can really be their president or else they’ll discover what God is saying concerning your future is TRUE.

I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE because I will always be God’s MESSENGER and Watchman over Malawi ?? and I won’t allow her to be manipulated!

I’m praying for you all who have been following and supporting my prophecies since 2009 and watched all getting fulfilled.

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