There was drama at a funeral last weekend after representatives from the Charumbira and Nemamwa chieftaincies nearly exchanged blows over legitimacy issues.

The deceased was Serina Mangoma and the  funeral was held in Nyoka Village near Chief Charumbira’s homestead.

It is reported that the Charumbira clansmen disrupted the funeral programme and threatened to thoroughly assault the Nemamwa chieftaincy representative Munyaradzi Mureyi who had been asked to give a speech.

Mureyi was called to give a speech on behalf of Chief Nemamwa since the deceased was from the Nemamwa clan.

However, this did not go well with the Charumbira clansmen who insisted that they did not recognize the Nemamwa chieftainship.

Cephas Marashanye who is originally from Nemamwa but is a Charumbira sympathiser threatened to bash Mureyi if he gave the speech.

“Marashanye stood up and told me not to speak, at first I thought he wanted to speak himself since he is originally from Nemamwa but is a Charumbira sympathiser. I told him to speak instead but he said there was no Chief Nemamwa.

Marashanye reportedly proceeded to push Mureyi around then other people from Chief Charumbira’s side rose and joined in shouting that there was no Nemamwa.

Mureyi then escaped.

TellZim reports that Chief Charumbira confirmed the incident and said he was not there but saw videos of the clash and said the incident was not a new thing.

“I can confirm that there was an incident at a funeral involving people from Charumbira and Nemamwa.  I was not there but I got videos of what happened and it is normal where there are chieftaincy issues.

He said the issue emanates from the politics at play that seeks to make  Nemamwa a chief adding that the move is irregular and illegal at law.

He went on to say that they were ready to contest it up to the highest court.

The Charumbira clansmen are not new to controversy as they have been involved in battles against Bere clansmen before and after installation of Chief Bere.

The Nemamwa clan has since nominated Tranos Manjiva as their Chief and is awaiting installation.

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