A day after being suspended from preaching the word of God by pastor Hastings Salanje, Prophet Austin Liabunya is set to deliver more prophecies of different nation.

The controversial prophet who is also known as Senior 1 by his followers announced this on his offici9al Facebook page which is contrary to what God’s Chapel Church founder and president Salanje said.

Yesterday, Salanje released a communication that he has suspended Liabunya from the pulpit for allegedly challenging him, according to Salanje, Liabunya will not be able to do anything regarding the work of God for the next ten years.

Salanje’s reaction follows a prophecy given by Liabunya which said that Salanje should just continue with the work of God for his vision of becoming the country’s president in 2030 will not come to pass.

In reaction to this, Salanje called Liabunya a fake prophet adding that it is God who called him to lead the people of Malawi form 2030 and that his anointing is not coming to an end as said by Liabunya hence his move to suspend the vocal man of God.

Instead of responding directly, Liabunya quoted the bible saying that “Go tell that fox, ‘I will keep on driving out demons and healing people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal.’ Luke 13:32 NIV.

He then released a program that on Thursday he will be delivering prophecies of different nations, ironically he is telling Salanje that his suspension is not effective.

“Join me tomorrow Thursday at exactly 8pm CAT for a LIVE Broadcast on all our social media platforms as I deliver Prophecies of different Nations of the world,” Liabunya said.

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