People on social media have reacted to a revelation made by a Nigerian Man that he dated his wife for over three years and had their first kiss on their wedding night.

The man is identified as Samuel Ajayi with a Twitter handle @SamdGreat1.

“The first time I kissed my wife was on our wedding day. We courted for three years and 8 months,” Ajayi tweeted.

Ajayi’s tweet sparked debate form social media users who doubted the possibility of what he said as most of them said that it is impossible to date and not do anything let alone kissing in this generation.

One user Mumba Chipembele mocked Ajayi by saying maybe he was talking of a spiritual wife as Nigerians are complicated people.

Nicholas Mutinta made it simple as he said kissed her as a wife was indeed the first time but they have been kissing while dating “don’t confuse us with your lies.”

Bwalya Amake Vanessa said “I was married for 2 years before it was legal .I can’t relate ok bye.”

Another user came after Ajayi telling him that he did not want to kiss his lady and he should not come on social media and discourage those who want to do it.

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