The mystery of this world will never come to an end. While telling her story, Miss Muyangu said she slept as a man, but when waking up, she turned into a woman.

“This girl and I had fallen in love and were planning a wedding, but after some miscommunications we decided to part ways,” she said.

Her warning that she would bewitch me came shortly after I had rejected her. She went to the witch doctors and enchanted me with their spells.

During sleep, I was a male, and when I awoke, I was transformed into a female. As proof, I can take you to meet with the girl who did the deed if you so desire. It’s a well-known story around here, “she began.

Upon awakening, he went to her mother, who inquired as to whether or not he was hallucinating. A group of intercessors was called in to pray for him, but nothing changed.

Therefore, she was forced to transition from man to woman by putting on girl’s clothes, applying make-up, and wearing bras. She says he’s no longer ashamed of it and dresses like a woman everywhere he goes now, she says.

Prior to the witchcraft, he had no braces, but now he has developed braces as a result of the witchcraft. It’s important to note, however, that her gender is dependent on the activity of a single woman.

Occasionally, he awakes as a man, and occasionally as a woman, so she dresses accordingly to her current state.

As a result of the doctors’ inability to help, the woman who bewitched her vowed to never beguile her again, despite being offered an apology. It was her mother who prayed that it would go away abruptly, just as it had come.

Despite the fact that Miss Muyangu married a man, her marriage has been dogged by controversy and has been abused.

“I knew she was a girl as soon as I saw her. I proposed to her and she accepted, so we got married. But when we tried to make love, I discovered that she was a fellow man, and I was shocked. The husband told Afrimax that he thought he was losing his mind

However, after a few hours, they were able to work out their differences and vowed to continue to love one another. What would you do in these situations?

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