The story of a thirty six years old lady called Jackline also known as Kiki has been making headlines after she confesses to have infected several men with HIV/AIDS through Tuko news program, Tuko Talks.

On an interview they had with Lynn on Tuko news in the program called Tuko talks, Jackline made it clear by admitting that she had infected multiple men in with hiv knowingly.

Because of her mother’s absence, Kiki’s life has changed dramatically. The aunt was left in charge of them. Her mother could send money to their aunt to cover their living expenses, but she hasn’t done so. As a result, she was pushed into selling her body in order to provide for her family’s needs.

As for Kiki, when her uncle wanted to take her back to school, she realized that she had been infected with the HIV/AIDS virus. When she found out she had the sickness, she was sorry because the man who had infected her had never told her. She then vowed to avenge herself by infecting males who had slept with her without protection.

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