By Orchestra Kamanga

Tate Fred Kwacha of Chipembedzo Cha Makolo Achikuda has emphasized the importance of our forefather’s spirits which according to him, they provide solutions to different calamities such as floods, hunger, diseases among others.

Speaking in an interview, Kwacha said it is very imperative to respect our ancestor’s spirits, saying each type of people respect their spirits.

“Islam pray for Muhammad, Christians pray for Jesus, Hindu pray for Chrishina and why should us the Africans not  pray for our spirits,” he wondered, adding that also, Romans pray for spirits of Jupiter.

He further said people in Africa have gone astray by praising other spirits leaving aside the spirits of M’bona, Makewana, Bibi Chauta just to name a few.

“On September 26, 2005, we went to M’bona graveyard to give sacrifices and pray during drought and there was heavy rains in the country including in Zambia, Zimbabwe and in Mozambique thus signifies the significance of our forefather’s spirits,” explained Tate.

Kwacha disclosed that the current administration of Tonse Alliance led by Lazarus Chakwera wanted the religion to pray for Covid-19 pandemic which has negatively paralysed social economic activities but said that this did not happen as they are waiting for official communication from the state house.

He has since appealed to the people in the country and beyond not to underrate traditional religion saying people will see the value of this in their lives in future.

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