A woman who recently made headlines after she was caught with cocaine worth $7,8 million on Tuesday collapsed in court after she was slapped with a 12-year jail term.

Initially, magistrate Munamato Mutevedzi sentenced her to 12 years before 2 were suspended for five years on condition of good behaviour.

Khumalo who flew from Brazil after swallowing 1kg of cocaine in 60 sachets was arrested at Zimbabwe Robert Gabriel Mugabe airport.

She flew into the country from Brazil aboard Ethiopian Airways and was intercepted by a team of detectives from the CID Drugs and Narcotics Harare, Central Intelligence Organisation operatives and personnel from Zimbabwe Revenue Authority who were acting on a tip-off.

A search of her luggage led to the discovery of cocaine stashed inside a pair of black socks weighing 975 grammes worth $7 800 000.


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