The law enforcers in Ntcheu on Thursday arrested a man for allegedly impersonating a police officer.

The suspect identified as Yelofas Holace was arrested at Kampepuza market where he mounted a roadblock to solicit money from road users.

“In its continued efforts of ensuring that Ntcheu is safe and secured, Ntcheu police station is today, September 23, 2021 conducting vehicle patrols around the district.

“The team, led by Insp Chinon’gone is among other things conducting traffic checks, adhock roadblock and patrols patrols in general,” reads in part the police report.

Added the report: “At Kampepuza market, the team has managed to arrest Yelofas Holace, who was found in full police uniform and a tear gas canister.

“It is indicated that Yelofas the personator, was soliciting money around the market.”

The suspect will appear in court soon.

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